Here is the scientific team and the communities that have joined the TALE4GDA project so far.

If you are a community involved in the design of serious game and wish to take part of this project, please feel free to contact Alexis Lebis via email.

Scientific Team

IMT Nord Europe 🇫🇷Alexis LEBIS (Project coordinator)
IMT Nord Europe 🇫🇷Anthony FLEURY
IMT Nord Europe 🇫🇷Mathieu VERMEULEN
IMT Nord Europe 🇫🇷Madeleine VALAT
IMT Nord Europe 🇫🇷 x Université de Lorraine 🇫🇷Adrien Chassaing-Monjou
Université de Lorraine 🇫🇷Nour EL MAWAS
Université du Mans 🇫🇷Pierre LAFORCADE
Université de Lille 🇫🇷Annie STANDAERT
Haute École de Pédagogie 🇨🇭Catherine BONNAT
Université Grenoble Alpes 🇫🇷Nadine Mandran

Communities of Practice

CoPRepresentativeInvolved since
GIVREAnnie STANDAERT01/09/2023